ECSA is an international organisation established in 1992. It currently has 25 members (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Taxaud, Turkey and the United Kingdom). Association is chaired by the Czech Republic.

ECSA’s aim is to strengthen ties between European customs administrations by encouraging and organizing joint sporting activities.

ECSA hopes to promote sport and cultural cooperation as well as mutual understanding between customs officials. In addition, joint participation in sport fosters greater team spirit, both within and across national boundaries and outstanding sporting achievement by customs officials in international events contributes to a positive public profile for customs.

Most ECSA member states not only send customs officials to international competitions, but also host sporting events. These include dog team competitions, long distance walking (over four days) in the Netherlands, a half marathon in Belgium, marathon and pistol shooting in several countries, skiing in Italy, table tennis in Poland, six-a-side football in various countries and swimming in Finland.

The annual fee for each Member State is 150 EUR. Revenues are used to provide minimum financial support for member administrations organizing international sport events in their countries.

Each year, representatives of the Member States gather for an Annual General Meeting, organized by a different customs administration. The working language of ECSA is English.

ecsa europe