Criteria for ECSA Medal of Honour:
Annual nominations from ECSA Member State representatives or Executive Committee members to the Executive Committee for consideration for award at the next available Annual General Meeting. (Option of a silver or gold medal as in Finland would mean that we could grade the awards).
This should include the following:
- Outstanding contribution to ECSA over a number of years, either for general activities or in one particular area.
- Dedicated service at national level – putting in time and effort beyond the normal call of duty to achieve good results for ECSA.
- It is intended that the scheme is primarily to acknowledge the efforts of organisers rather than competitors although excellent sporting achievements will also be considered.
- Any Member State representative can nominate any other member for a Medal of Honour by writing to the ECSA President or Secretary. Members of the EC will consider the nomination at their next meeting.
- A nominee will only be eligible for one Medal of Honour every five years, with a maximum of four per year being awarded at an AGM.
- It is intended that very careful consideration will be made by the EC to ensure that only exceptionally high standards of effort and achievement are acknowledged through the scheme.
- Any situations not covered by these rules will be dealt with by the EC as they arise. The EC’s decision is final.